First day on The 40 Days for Life vigil: some problems with View Royal

We had a good day at the vigil, starting at 6 am with three people, swelling to four then a dozen by 8:45 when Father Dean Henderson led a prayer and blessed the group. The excellent (and wonderfully cheap) 40 Days for Life” banners arrvied from the US in the nick, and tomorrow we will have bigns saying “Pregnant? Want Help? Call 250-818-2164.
With a discontinous roster of vigilists, we have been casting about for a place to cache the banners, sgns and brochures during blank periods on the roster. One of the early am vigil lkeepers, Shirley Sloan, volunteered (or maybe agreed wllingly when asked?) her house a half mile to the north. Thank you Shirley.
I dont even know if we will need Shirley’s hom; we are looking for something closer. If someone had a car they could leave parked near the clinic, where the material could be deposited during the day, and that person ferried to the car to drive it home? We havent figured this out.
A bylaw enforecement officer with a chip on his shoulder tried to take our banner because we had tied it to a sign post. This is definitely against the bylaws, but his action seemed arbitrary and was resisted by Peter S., Ann R. and Alex Berns. It seemed to Alex the man had hick back up from the outset because he blamed us for the graffiti, which was clearly pro-choice and not pro-life.
Joe of Joe’s cafe is willing to cross the bubble zone and bring out orders of coffee and other stuff phoned in.
Measnwhile, pro-abortion types spray painted their graffiti and feminist symbols all over the sidewalks and some parking lot walls and Joe’s windows. POlice photographed these and interviewed us about them.
CIVI and the Goldstream Gazette interviewed me about the vigil. A nurse from the clinic offered to place our brochures in the clinic if we would go away (please).
A woman walking near the clinic asked what was up, came over, confessed to an early abortion (and three subsequent healthy boys) and wished we had been around way back when to dissuade her. She plans to join the vigil.
Lighthouse Christian Academy has agreed in principle to participate. St. Andrews Catholic High school anbd Pacific Christian H.S. don’t even answer my phone calls.
The news from Columbia Missourri is that their abortion clinic shut down four days ago.Coincidence?
We need more vigil keepers. Please come but sig up first on our website\victoria and bring friends

Steve Weatherbe

About faithvictoria

Steve Weatherbe is a journalist with 30 years experience, specializing in religion and public issues, a conservative Catholic Christian, a supporter of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, living in Victoria, British Columbia. Canada
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6 Responses to First day on The 40 Days for Life vigil: some problems with View Royal

  1. Pingback: Steve Weatherbe on 40 Days for Life: ‘We need more vigil keepers. Please come but sign up first on our website: www.40daysforlife.comvictoria … bring friends! « GREGORY PAUL MICHAEL HARTNELL

  2. goyodelarosa says:

    Thanks very much for having the courage to publicize this very important pro-life vigil, Steve.
    Your example has inspired me to post info about it here:

    Steve Weatherbe on 40 Days for Life: ‘We need more vigil keepers. Please come but sign up first on our website: http://www.40daysforlife.comvictoria … bring friends!

    I also signed up to do the silent vigil of prayer and meditation at the abortuary on October 15, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.

    There are other protest activities scheduled around the world that day, but I want to start my day off right with pro-life non-violent vigil-keeping.

    Hope to see you and others there that day!

    By the way, I am standing for one of the vacant Council seats in the District of Oak Bay in this coming election, and am identifying myself as an independent non-partisan anti-war pro-life fiscal-social conservative inspired by Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul, my current hero who just won the Values Voters’ Straw Poll in Washington D. C with 37%, with Rick Santorum a distant third, and Newt Gingrich near the bottom of the list.

    I pray for pro-life voters in Oak Bay and other CRD municipalities to support pro-life candidates wherever they can be found in this November 19 election, if it be the will of the Almighty Creator.

    Democracy in Oak Bay is free and easy: only two nomination signatures of resident electors of Oak Bay and no deposit is required to file papers, as opposed to uptight Victoria, where they require 25 nominators’ signatures of resident Victoria electors, and a $100.00 deposit!

    Candidates for Oak Bay Council do not have to reside in the District of Oak Bay!

    There are four vacancies on the Oak Bay Council, including one for Mayor, and very few candidates so far declared. Liveline for filing papers is Friday, October 14, 4:30 p. m.

    So, if you know anyone who wants to stand up for life and liberty, and lower residential and commercial property taxes in Oak Bay, please encourage them to pick up the forms at the Oak Bay municipal hall, or phone me:

    250 382 97 67.

    Pax Christi

    Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell

  3. Pingback: Gregory Hartnell to Steve Weatherbe of 40 Days for Life Victoria: ‘I pray for pro-life voters in Oak Bay + other CRD municipalities to support pro-life candidates’ « GREGORY PAUL MICHAEL HARTNELL

  4. Pingback: Gregory Hartnell to Steve Weatherbe of 40 Days for Life Victoria: ‘I pray for pro-life voters in Oak Bay + other CRD municipalities to support pro-life candidates’ « GREGORY PAUL MICHAEL HARTNELL

  5. Joy says:

    I am not a “pro abortion type” you speak about. I am one of the girls of the 70’s who had to go away. I am also one of the people who has to walk past you every single time I walk out of my home. I wish people like you would do more for the entire situation of a woman in crisis pregnancy instead of just zeroing in on the one point you find wrong. The women’s clinics do so much more, and you do so much damage to people who you did not even think about when you set up your vigil. The people in the neighbourhood who have had experiences you know nothing about. It is all about your agenda and you don’t care about collateral damage you pick up along the way…. the last thirty six years of my life I thought I was holding it together pretty well, until they day I walked out there and found you. You ripped open an old wound I can barely live with. And you would so willingly send another woman to my fate. For this reason I have come out of my silence.

    • Your wound is guilt. And, of course, there’s your dead baby, also wounded. They way to deal with your past actions is not by ignoring them but by facing them, axknowledging their sinfulness before God and seeking forgiveness. He’ll give it, if asked.

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